The very famous and prevalant in San Diego,California, Ombre Brows, also known as powder brows s a semi permanent make up procedure of manually inserting colored pigment under the top layers of brow skin.Its a 2 step process of creating the desired shape and thickness of a natural looking eyebrow. Ombre brows when done by trained professionals as at PBT America and PBT brows,
the best brow salons in San Diego, gives wonderful results for a period of 2-4 years depending on specific factors like type of skin and exposure to sun.
microblading versus ombre brows , to understand the difference between microblading and ombre eyebrows.
Trained and experienced staff at Pbt America make sure of the hygiene and suitability to client skin and comfort zone of the customer while handling their job. Ombre Brow or Powdered brow has become a favorite semi permanent makeup technique for many.